Rep player tryout information

Stars rep team tryouts are being held on Saturday and Sunday, September 7 and September 8.

Tryout times

Rep tryouts are organized by age group (birth year) and players are required to attend the correct tryout for their age group at the specified date and time. Please note carefully the dates and times for your particular age group as they are not all scheduled in order, and we do not guarantee a secondary tryout for players who miss the tryout for their age group.

Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign in, obtain your pinnie, and get warmed up. If you did not preregister online, allow an extra 10 minutes to complete the manual registration form and applicable waivers.

NOTE: Additional tryout activities and times may be added at the discretion of the Rep Committee. Players must be available both days of the tryout weekend to attend additional tryout activities if required.

  • U11 (2014 and 2015 birth years): 10:30am to 12:30pm
  • U13 (2012 and 2013 birth years): 3:00pm to 5:00pm
  • U15 (2010 and 2011 birth years): 8:30am to 10:30am
  • U17 (2008 and 2009 birth years): 1:00pm to 3:00pm
  • U19 (2006 and 2007 birth years): 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Pitchers and catchers

Time permitting, the try-out may include evaluation of prospective pitchers and catchers, with priority focus on those new to the prospective team/coaches.


Loutet Softball Park, 1700 Rufus Ave, North Vancouver


A couple of weeks before the tryout we'll post a link for players to register online in advance. Online registration closes a couple days before the tryout. You may register in person at the tryout by completing a manual registration form, provided you have the required information (e.g., birth date, details of prior teams and coaches). Please arrive earlier and allow extra time if you need to manually register on-site.

Cost (free)

The tryout itself is completely free. However, players who make the team will be required to pay the applicable NSGFA rep team registration fees in full by the deadline.

Tryout process and guidelines

The tryout and team forming process is subject to the Rep team program guidelines established by the NSGFA Rep Committee (subject to change without notice) as well as any applicable Softball BC rules and requirements. All decisions by the Rep Committee are final.

Players are responsible for arriving at the correct time and location for the applicable tryout for their specific age group. Tryout participation does not guarantee placement on a rep team, or that there will be a rep team for a particular age group. Players selected to a rep team will be required to register and pay applicable fees in full by the deadlines established by the NSGFA. In addition, individual rep teams also may have funding, fundraising and volunteer requirements for their players/parents.

What to wear, what to bring to the tryout

For the tryout, players should dress appropriately for the weather and softball activities (e.g., proper clothing, cleats, hair tied back, jewelry removed). Each player must bring her own glove, helmet, water, and snacks. Players may bring their own approved bat, or they may use one of the bats provided at the tryout.

For warmer weather, we recommend a ball cap, sun screen, sun glasses, extra water, and a spare sweatshirt/hoodie in case it is breezy. If there is a risk of cool / wet weather, we also recommend dressing in layers (e.g., hoodie/sweatshirt, light wind breaker, rain coat). The tryout may be delayed or postponed if it is too wet to proceed on the scheduled date and time.

Players must avoid wearing rep uniforms or any clothing that identifies them or their affiliation with prior teams or associations.

Injuries and conflicts

If a player is injured or, due to a permissible conflict, cannot make the designated tryout time for her age group, the player is required to register online for the tryout and notify the Rep Committee in writing prior to the tryout date. Notification is to be by email from the specific player (or parent) to the Rep Coordinator ( and cannot be verbal or via a coach or another player, parent, proxy, or NSGFA executive.

We strongly recommend the player/parent obtain a written response (email) directly from the Rep Coordinator to confirm her exception has been approved by the Rep Committee. A doctor's note may be required. Attending another softball association's tryout is NOT considered a permissible conflict.

Unless otherwise pre-approved (per the above process), injured players are expected to come to the tryout. Players with approved conflicts will be granted the opportunity to attend a secondary tryout (date and time determined by the Rep Committee). Secondary tryouts for other players MAY be permitted, but only at the sole discretion of the Rep Committee and may be restricted to specific players or age groups. The top five (5) players (for each age group) from the initial tryout is not impacted by secondary tryouts. Accordingly, players participating in a secondary tryout are not guaranteed a spot on the team regardless of how well they perform.

Out-of-district (cross-boundary) players

All eligible players, including those from outside the North Shore and Softball BC District 4 (is permitted), are welcome and encouraged to participate in the tryout. Cross-boundary players may be subject to restrictions and/or may be required to complete / supply applicable cross-boundary forms and/or permits if required by Softball BC rules. The NSGFA reserves the right to disqualify (at any time before or after the try-out) any players not in compliance with applicable Softball BC rules.

More information

Before contacting us, please see our rep program web page and read our Rep team program guidelines. If, after you have consulted these sources, you still require additional information or clarification, please email the Rep Coordinator (

Please do NOT attempt to contact any NSGFA board members or volunteers other than the Rep Coordinator, as they are not authorized to officially respond to tryout related questions or request, and may not provide accurate or reliable information. Note also: only the Rep Coordinator is authorized to communicate approval of a permissible conflict.

All references herein to rep teams includes North Shore Stars minor rep teams (U11 to U19 at the A or B level). It does not include tournament / all-star teams such as a U11 Tournament Team, and it may or may not include teams required to play at the A or B level per Softball BC rules.

In the event of a conflict between the information herein and the Rep Guidelines or Softball BC rules, the applicable Rep Guidelines or Softball BC rules shall prevail. The Rep Committee reserves the right to interpret or modify the Rep Guidelines and the try-out process as it determines appropriate in the circumstances. All decisions made by the Rep Committee are final.